วันอังคารที่ 31 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2555

degrees that work: Advanced Manufacturing

www.degreesthatwork.tv Despite doom and gloom headlines of the past year, manufacturing is a vibrant and rewarding employment sector for graduates with high-tech skills. Thats the fundamental message of this episode of "degrees that work," focusing on advanced manufacturing. The program features a group of Pennsylvania College of Technology manufacturing students, who possess the hands-on, high-tech skills desired by manufacturers. The students test their skills by designing and building an off-road vehicle for an exciting international competition in Quebec Baja SAE Montreal. In addition to chronicling the students preparation and performance at the event, the episode provides an inside view of manufacturing with representatives from the National Association of Manufacturers, the nations largest industrial trade organization, and Synthes and Victaulic, two leading worldwide manufacturers.


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